Returns Policy

At Cosmic Micro Systems Pvt Ltd, we offer a refund or exchange within the first 15 days from the date of your purchase. If 15 days have passed since your purchase, you will not be eligible for a return, exchange, or refund of any kind.

In order to be eligible for a return or an exchange:

  1. The purchased item should be unused and in the same condition as you received it.
  2. The item must have its original packaging.
  3. Items purchased on sale may not be eligible for a return or exchange.

Only items found to be defective or damaged will be replaced based on an exchange request.

If you need to place a return or exchange request for an eligible product, please send us an email at

Certain categories of products may be exempt from returns or refunds, and these will be identified to you at the time of purchase.

For accepted return or exchange requests, once your returned product is received and inspected by us, we will send you an email to notify you about the receipt of the returned or exchanged product. If the item is approved after the quality check at our end, your request (return or exchange) will be processed in accordance with our policies.

If you are not happy with the product as per the declaration in its advertising, you can initiate a return by following the above steps.


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